WWW'tje: Analysis curriculum changes
WWW'tje: Analysis curriculum changes

This year a committee has looked at the bachelor courses offered in analysis: Inleiding analyse, Analyse in meer variabelen, Functies en reeksen, Complexe functies, Differentiaalvergelijkingen and Differentieerbare variëteiten. They looked at ways to change the contents of the courses as to improve learling lines. The committee will present their conclusions to give students the opportunity to give feedback on the plans.

The WWW'tje is from 12.45 to 13.45, but if you can only be there for part of the time you are welcome as well.

This is an activity by the WOL for Mathematics students.

Plans of the Analysis committee for the bachelor

Since last fall, a committee consisting of Erik van den Ban (chair), 
Gunther Cornelissen, Carolin Kreisbeck, Aldo Witte nad Babette de Wolff has been
reconsidering the analysis/calculus courses in the bachelor.

A rapport is being made with the following suggestions.

In the first year the course Inleiding Analyse will be moved from block 4 to 3 without any changes.
The course Infi B in block 3 will be replaced by a new course in block 4 with working title
Differentiëren in meer variabelen. 

In this new course, knowledge from Inleiding Analyse will be used.
Attention will be paid to proofs, but also practical applications of the theory.
Subjects: various aspects of partial differentiation and total derivatives.
Furthermore series and improper intergrals. The theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss
will no longer be treated.

These last three theorems are requisite knowledge for twin students. For them a new course
will be added (presumably in block 3). In the werkcollege the students will present the
solutions to exercises.

The level two course Functies en Reeksen (block 1) will also be changed. The first part of the
course is moved to "Differentiëren in meer variabelen." The new free space will be used for
complex function theorie: the theorems of Cauchy and the residue theorems.

The courses Differentiaalvergelijkingen, Analyse in Meer variabelen, Maat- en Integratie and 
Functionaalanalyse will stay roughly the same.

Apart from this, the analysis committee proposes creating a permanent bachelor curriculum committee.
This committee watches over the bachelor curriculum, will decide which courses apart from the 'core courses'
can be tought, and will be responsible for communicating the contents of the programme.
  • Group: Medezeggenschap
  • Start: Thu 15 Jun 2017, 12:45
  • End: Thu 15 Jun 2017, 13:45
  • Additional web site: http://wol.science.uu.nl
  • Locatie: HFG 610
  • Organizer: Utrecht University
  • Categorie: Study related
  • Poster: Nee