Mini-lectures Shell
Mini-lectures Shell

Shell zal deze middag verschillende mini-lectures geven, waarvan enkele speciaal gericht zijn op natuurkunde, wiskunde en informatica/informatiekunde. Als je je inschrijft, stuur dan ook even een mailtje naar spocie@a-eskwadraat om aan te geven welke spreker je graag zou willen zien. Het programma is als volgt: 

14:00 Welcome with coffee and tea
14:15 Opening
14:30 Round 1 minilectures
15:00 Round 2 minilectures
15:30 Round 3 minilectures
16:30 Networking event / Social drinks

En de volgende 8 lectures worden gegeven: 

Research & Development – Improved Natural Gas Dewpointing (Physics)

Laurens v Campen

Before joining Shell, Laurens followed a MSc program at Delft University of Technology, followed by a PhD in multiphase fluid flow. During his PhD project, he performed experimental work on oil/water separation using an axial cyclone, using a 60 m3/h flow rig with brine and lubricant oil. Today at Shell, Laurens’ work focusses on novel solutions to remove contaminants from natural gas. During the presentation, I will guide you through a recent research project I did on basic gas processing. It shows the kind of R&D work being done within Shell and the decision driven process to decide whether we should pursuit work or not.

Mathematics and Statistics for the energy industry: a broad range of challenges (Mathematics)

Winfried Theis

Mathematics and Statistics are obviously widely applicable, but maybe the question arose what does this mean in real life? This short presentation will give a couple of highlights mainly from the Statistics and Chemometrics group. The challenges shown will introduce topics like product development, making offshore platforms really safe and how can we create scenarios that give us an insight on what certain choices might mean for future energy generation.

From the academic world into the business: “a life changing event?” (Information Science)

Anja Dijkhuizen

Being part of the business now, it occurs to Anja that students have very little knowledge what working in the business actually means. How different is it from the academic world, what do all those business terms really mean, why is a personality test so important to big companies and does your life really change when you work in the business world? In this interactive mini lecture Anja will try to cover all these questions with examples from her own experience.

Glancing at Shell IT Organization (Computer Science)

Zue Xhang

The mini-lecture focusses on IT and it’s business driving position in Shell, as well as a supporting role it sometimes has within such a large company. Day-to-day work as and IT-professional in Upstream SOM will be describes. Finally, the talk will focus on different IT projects in different areas.

Production Geology – Drilling risks and their associated hazards.

Dineke Wiersma


Geophysics for Exploration.

Jeroen Hazewinkel


Well Engineering – Drilling 101

Emil Heeren


Improvement of ethyl benzene oxidation process

Dr. Peter A.A. Klusener

Voor de volledige abstracts, klik hier:

  • Commissie: SpoCie
  • Begin: vr 20 mrt 2015, 14:00
  • Eind: vr 20 mrt 2015, 19:00
  • Locatie: Marinus Ruppertgebouw
  • Organisator: A–Eskwadraat
  • Poster: Nee