University Plans
University Plans

University Plans


Examination Bachelor Theses Mathematics


As of September 2014, the regulations (5.3 in OER) stipulate that the bachelor thesis be examined by a second reader. The department of Mathematics has decided to implement this regulation by creating a "bachelor thesis committee" which acts as second reader.

At this moment, the committee consists of Jaap van Oosten (chairman), Carel Faber, Karma Dajani and Tristan van Leeuwen.

Attached is a document in Dutch about the bachelor thesis. We treat the nature and study load of the thesis, important elements as structure and style, scientific integrity and the modus operandi of the committee. This text is aimed at both students and teachers.

We expect that the thesis supervisor completes an "assessment form" with grades for "process" and "presentation" as well as a clear description of the mathematical content of the thesis; and based on this (and on the criteria given in the attached text) a proposal for a grade for the written thesis.

The committee will convene three times per year, roughly one week after the day for bachelor thesis presentations. The first meeting will be February 3 2015.

The thesis committee will send the final grade to the Studiepunt.